Get the most out of every wellbeing moment.
Plan your day.
You are about to treat yourself to a massage, a yoga class - or even invite your group of friends or colleagues to join you. Great! Now, get the most of it. What can you create in your day to anticipate this gift of wellbeing you are giving yourself? What do you need to know during your time with us? How can you get that feeling of relaxation to linger as LONG AS POSSIBLE? Here are some ideas…
Is there anything you need to do in the neighbourhood before your treatment? The feeling of efficiency is WONDERFUL.
Try to arrive 15 minutes in advance. You can sit in our relaxation area to breathe a bit before your treatment time begins.
Masks are always welcome inside if you feel more comfortable - and if you need a new beautiful mask that could match your outfit… you may just find the perfect one in our shop!
First, you will want to put on that lovely scented sanitizer gel on your hands when you arrive. Such a great scent!
Then, if you are having a treatment, you can dispense of those pesky shoes to be replaced with cushy furry slippers. They are not with bunny ears - so no worries for embarrassing moments. What you wear at home is your own business.
While we are dealing with our Covid-reality for the moment, our dressing rooms aren’t open - but that’s okay! You can change directly in your treatment room and just ask us if you need to use the facilities - for, um, washing your hands and stuff.
What's that lovely breeze that you feel during your yoga class? Why that's our well-ventilated studio with a much coveted air conditioner for those really hot days in Brussels (of which, there are 5!) that you are experiencing. Yes, we are THAT yoga studio.
We don’t like this part. You know, your leaving. But it happens - and sometimes it feels like you just got here! So, keep your feeling of relaxing with you as long as possible.
Before you go, did you shop in our store for any massage oil, facial product or yoga mat that may have inspired you?
Can you squeeze some time after your treatment to take yourself out to lunch - or coffee? There are several places nearby - we’d be happy to recommend a place to you. And if you are coming to the spa with friends, we’d be happy to reserve your lunch or dinner table nearby as part of your group spa experience.
Oh, GPS, I love you!
Get the address 16-18 Place Stephanie, 1050 Brussels in your car GPS and let someone else direct you for a moment. Or, better yet, walk if you are close, or take public transport (Metro 2 and 6, Tram 92/94/97) - or indulge in a taxi or a ride from a really, really nice friend.
Then, find parking. Yep, it’s a city. Here’s a tip though. If serendipity is with you, you’ll find a space in front of the spa. If not, try on Avenue Louise - oh, so conveniently located across stores that entice you to shop. Or our secret, there’s a parking garage at the hotel across the way - and they can wash your car while you have your treatment. That way, your car gets a wellbeing moment too!